Wednesday, March 25, 2009

F'N Wit St Ides...........

Needless to say for those that know me, St Ides was an intrical part of my younger years. I can tell many stories on the effects and the casualties involved with this Premium Malt Liquor. There was a time when I wouldn't drink ANYTHING ELSE. Believe me, this stuff had you on some real animal thug ish!!! It's partially the reason I was thrown off my college campus and many, many other wild escapades that I cannot share. Very soon I will be posting music from the Ledgendary group,,DMA that will basically paint a picture for you with St Ides being the backdrop.

A quick St Ide's story..... In L.A. on Sunset Strip, me and my man Mike, Aka Tall Can, Aka Hutch, when I was Starski (LOL). Anyway, during visits at Billboard Live and The House of Blues we were suddenly CRAZY HYPED that the club was selling St Ides (forgot which club it was) quarts. What made these so special was that they had a picture of Mike Tyson on the label!!!! After consuming several and of course being hammered we decide to leave and eat, what else but some chicken...LOL We'll to make a long story short Tall Can ended up having to recite the alphabet in reverse to the L.A.P.D. while I had to blow on a tube with a penny in my mouth (hoping that the urban legend really worked)and praying at the same time. After drving to the hotel alone worried about Can in jail, scrambling up $500.00 bucks to get him out the next day before the esse's that were surrounding him got a hold of em, I realized that the S-T Crooked I D-E-S was no joke!!! We'll we knew that all along!!!

Ok, enough talk; one of the best things to come out of this era was the hip hop
influence that went along with St Ides. So for your downloading pleasure are the dopest St. Ides Commericals EVER!!!! Don't say I never hooked yall up.

Uh oh,,,I'm kinda thristy:

Get you girl in the mood quicker - King Tee and Ice Cube

St Ides - Ice Cube

We Don't Want no 8 ball - Ice Cube

Real Men Drink - Rakim

Get Some - Rakim

East Meets West liquor - EPMD and Ice Cube

40z or a Can - EPMD

Get a Grip, Take a Sip - Kool G Rap

5th Ward to South Central - Geto Boys and Ice Cube

St Ides in the LBC - Snoop Dogg

Shaolin Brew - Wu Tang Clan

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